A Polish Drink: Kompot

What’s your go to drink when eating pierogi? Beer? Vodka? Maybe just water because you were so excited about pierogi that you couldn’t think of anything else? Another option that is super easy to make at home is kompot. It’s a fruity and refreshing drink that is widely popular in Poland, and can be made with whatever type of fruit you’d like. In this recipe, we chose plums and apples, but raspberries, strawberries, or any other fruit are great options as well. It can be served either hot or cold. 

8 cups water
1 lb plums
1 lb McIntosh apples 
Sweetener (optional) 


  1. In a large pot, bring 8 cups of water to a boil.

  2. Cut apples and plums into smaller pieces. 

  3. Once water is boiling, add the fruit to the pot. 

  4. Reduce heat to a simmer and cover for about 15-20 minutes. 

  5. Either strain it, or leave the fruit in it. You can also strain and add fresh fruit!

  6. Let cool and enjoy!


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